How to Play Monopoly Deal

Comprehensive step by step instruction guide on how to play Monopoly Deal

By Two Game Enthusiasts

The general Monopoly Deal Rules & FAQ section has a list of rules and frequently asked questions pertaining to general monopoly deal gameplay. Topics range from basic "how to play" to "what does each player do on their turn". The official Monopoly Deal Rules are used to answer as many of the questions as possible. If the official rules are not known for that question then the generally accepted answer is used.

Monopoly Deal Winning Hand

Example of a Monopoly Deal Winning Hand

Monopoly Deal Playable Stacks

Three table locations to play your cards: Bank Stack, Property Stack, or Discard Stack

Monopoly Deal Dealing

There are Five Cards dealt to Each Player;Pick up Two Cards Each Turn

Monopoly Deal Hand with Seven Cards

A Player can Have no More than Seven Cards in Their Hand at the End of Each Turn

The objective of Monopoly Deal is to be the first player to complete 3 full property sets on the table in front of you. Each property card tells you how many cards you need of that color to complete the set.

For example the brown property set only needs 2 brown property cards to be completed and the black Railroad set only needs 4 Railroad property cards to be a completed set.The objective of Monopoly Deal is be the first player to complete 3 full property sets on the table in front of you. Each property card tells you how many cards you need of that color to complete the set. The brown set only needs 2 brown property cards to be completed and the black railroad set needs 4 railroad property cards to be a completed set. See image for an example of a Monopoly Deal winning hand.

There are 3 places where cards can be played during a turn:

1. A player can place money cards or action cards (rent, house, hotel, force deal, pass go, etc) face up in their bank.

2. A player can play property cards face up in front of them in their property section.

3. A player can play action cards in the middle discard pile.

Each player is dealt 5 monopoly cards at the start of the game and then picks up 2 cards from the remaining draw pile at the beginning of each turn.

Each player can play up to 3 cards per turn. A play is considered any time a card is played on the table (such as money into your bank, property cards on the table, action cards played into the middle, etc). You do not need to play all 3 cards per turn if you do not want to.

At the end of each player’s turn, they cannot have more than 7 cards in their hand. If they do, they need to discard the excess Monopoly cards into the discard pile in the middle.

Play clockwise around the table until someone completes 3 full property sets and they are the winner of that Monopoly Deal game!

Check out the Monopoly Deal Strategy section on tips and tricks to help you win Monopoly Deal.

Monopoly Deal Dealing Five Cards

Example of Dealing five cards to each Monopoly Deal player

Step 1:Take out the 4 cards that say “Quick Start Rules” from the Monopoly Deal deck.
Step 2:Shuffle the deck.
Step 3:Deal out 5 cards to each player.
Step 4:Put the remaining cards in the center face down. This will be the draw pile.
Step 5:All players can pick up the Monopoly cards that have been dealt to them but do not show anyone else your cards.

Monopoly Deal Hand - Picking Up and Laying Down

Pick up Two Monopoly Cards During a Turn and Lay Down Up to Three

Each player must pick up 2 cards from the draw pile during each turn.

Then each player can play up to 3 cards on their turn. (a play is considered any card you lay onto the table such as money into your bank, property cards on the table, action cards played into the middle, etc). You do not need to lay all 3 card plays if you do not want to.

There will be 3 places where cards can be played during a turn: A player can place money cards or action cards (rent, house, hotel, force deal, pass go, etc) face up in their bank, a player can play property cards face up in front of them in their property section, and a player can play action cards in the middle discard pile.

At the end of a turn, a player cannot have more than 7 cards in their hand. If they do, they need to discard the excess cards into the discard pile in the middle.

Monopoly Deal Winning Hand with Blue Properties

Pick up Two Monopoly Cards During a Turn and Lay Down Up to Three

The winner of Monopoly Deal is the first player to complete 3 full property sets on the table in front of them. Each property card tells you how many cards you need of that color to complete the set.

For example the dark blue set only needs 2 dark blue property cards to be completed and the black railroad set needs 4 railroad property cards to be a completed set. An example of a winning Monopoly Deal hand is to the right.

Check out the Monopoly Deal Strategy section on tips and tricks to help you win Monopoly Deal.